Yes ... I have an opinion

Those that know me ... seem to love me, well ... I'm pretty sure my two sons do and in all honesty, I believe I leave most everyone else somewhat baffled. It's a fine art which has taken years to perfect ... but like a fine wine ... both myself and the attitude that comes with me, are now aged to perfection. I do try to stay alert ... as the world needs more lerts and I have also learned that two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights ... make a left.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sadly I never had an opportunity to meet Michael but like so many others around the world, came to know him through his music and admire him for his talent. I shared in the joy and happiness of his successes and was deeply sorrowed by his trials and tribulations. Through his darkest days, he stood proud and maintained his dignity and where others may have failed, he never faltered. He was simply amazing, as was his career ... always a perfectionist, always professional. His innocence was both charming and endearing. His passion for his music ... undeniable. He was a part of my life for forty four years and I am deeply grateful to him, for the incredible creativity which has provided me with countless hours of enjoyment through the years.

This world was a much better place with him in it and we all now share in the loss a truly innocent, caring and compassionate man. He was loved by many and will be missed by us all. My heart goes out to those of you who knew him best and my thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Michael Jackson

Many years hidden well,
behind glass walls for all to see.
The passing of a vision,
of what his life was meant to be.

Instead there came a man,
having suffered more than most.
Fleeting shadows on the wall
he lived his life ... as if a ghost.

The words may weave a story
leaving dust piles on his trail.
But just listen to their meaning
and they may tell a different tale.

His lips may speak the truth
yet accusations took their toll.
But take a look into his eyes
read his heart and meet his soul.

His kindness didn't matter
since it was twisted inside out.
How quickly you've forgotten
what this mans life was all about.

Angela June Stobart 1994 ©

Rest in peace dear sweet soul. xoxox

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